Supply Chain Illumination & Mapping

Transparency into interconnected supplier relationships and their extended attack surface.

  • Uncover multiple tiers of complex supplier ecosystems

    Leverage advanced machine learning models to map a contractor’s entire supply chain from the outside in.

    Supply chain security
  • Understand the risk landscape without gathering additional data

    Identify potential supplier business and cyber risks ahead of procurement using publicly available data.

    Vendor supplier cybersecurity
  • Rapidly identify alternative suppliers during high-risk events and attacks

    With each supplier mapped to the system components they support, build vendor risk mitigation plans in advance of a supply chain disruption.

    Supply chain security

Visible impact

A U.S. federal government agency gained 40 times more visibility into a program’s supply chain using only publicly available data.

Supply chain illumination and mapping case study

Defend your supply chain

Mitigate business risks and cyber vulnerabilities with deep visibility into complex supply chains.

  • Illuminate

  • Monitor

  • Remediate

  • Prioritize

Rock Surface 01